Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Thanks to my friend PK over at the Purple Puzzle Place, we have now started naming Dorothy's mood in colors. If you read this post, you can find the details of which color represents which mood.

David has been best friends with PK's husband for many years. Their two girls (now they have three) were flower girls in our wedding. I think that PK and I could have a really great friendship; it would just take some motivation to get myself out of the house once in a while to make it over there for visits. It can be difficult to schedule a time for all of us to do something. Often, one of the kids ends up getting a cold or something so it ends up being postponed.

We were finally able to make it over to their house for dinner and games the other night (after trying to plan something since Dorothy's birth). But somebody was in an orange mood all evening. Dorothy had been crying pretty much all day when she wasn't sleeping. This continued into the evening, getting seemingly worse as it got later. I would say that some moments during the day she was bordering on parts of red. PK rocked and held Dorothy to give me a bit of a break. Baby E seemed to really like seeing Dorothy, and even "held" her for a while. Here you can see orange fully demonstrated. Poor baby.

In spite of the fussiness, we had a great time. Dinner was awesome! I tasted lamb chops for the first time in a very tasty sauce. We also had vegetables roasted in olive oil, and potatoes roasted with garlic and dill. For dessert we had some special cookies free of dairy and egg, due to allergies in the PK family.

After dinner we played a round of Kill Doctor Lucky, a sort of reverse Clue, where instead of trying to solve the murder, everyone is trying to commit the murder without anyone else being able to see them. After the game was over we went home and put Dorothy right to bed. She slept pretty much all of that night and right on through Sunday afternoon, only waking up for necessities such as eating and pooping. I guess she wore herself out crying all day on Saturday:)


Tonya said...

glad you were able to get out there Becci and have some fun even though Dorothy was in such an orange mood... she is so stinkin cute even in the orange mood :)

purple_kangaroo said...

I'm so glad she had a good night's sleep and a better day for you! I enjoy hanging out with you, too, and hope we can do it again soon.