Monday, November 17, 2008


Not too much to report. Dorothy was still snotty this morning, but I took her to day care anyhow. She ran in the door and started playing with the kids without even saying goodbye to us, which is definite progress from the fits she has been throwing when we drop her off. I told them if she was acting like she didn't feel good they could call me to come get her, but she ended up being fine. So I spent the day working on History and a bit of writing. When David and I picked her up, there were fresh chocolate chip cookies that the kids hadn't eaten yet. Dorothy was crying because she wanted to stay and I told her that she could have one of her cookies if she stopped crying. She did, but only until she got strapped in the car seat. Then, mouth full of cookie, she threw an even bigger fit... about what I don't know. I think she wanted the other cookie, but her mouth was full of cookie still, so I said no. She screamed even harder, and proceeded to gag her little head off. When she finally stopped gagging, she was crying and saying in between sobs, "I okay!" That's her new thing when she's screaming and crying is to tell us that she's okay. I will never really know what's going on in that little head of hers, but it's a cute little head....

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