Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's Laundry Time

I generally get around to folding laundry about once a week here. I have good intentions of folding each load as it comes out, but that doesn't often happen with life being so busy. So, when it fills the laundry baskets and then some, I know we need to get down to business. When Charlotte laid down for nap today, Dorothy was excited to help me with folding. I brought it all out to the middle of the living room, took the pillows and blankets off the couch, and started in. Well, right after we jumped on the laundry a few times....
William supervised quite well.
It took all of Charlotte's nap time between sorting, folding, and stopping to change and feed William, but we did it! Here is the big pile all folded and ready to be put away:

"Good job, mama! Now can I have some more milk? Can you see me wasting away? I need to maintain my figure."

Wolf it Down Wednesday

B: Cinnamon raisin english muffins with peanut butter and raspberry jam.
L: David took the leftover flatbread pizza, the girls had grilled cheese on whole wheat and fruit salad, and I had french bread with spinach dip and swiss cheese.
D: Leftover beef fajitas. Yum!


Johnlyn said...

Good gravy woman - that's a lot of laundry. I have no idea how you manage all that while staying home with your babies. You are awesome!!!

My kiddos were 3 and 5 before I stayed home and that seemed hard.

Good for you! Just keep doing what you can do and before you know it you'll have a bit of free time (a bit!!!)

Anonymous said...

to save some folding I will gladly take all the little girls knickers