The levels went up to 731, so they more than doubled. We're not out of the woods, but it's a start...
Pray for our bean.
*My Dr. called this evening to talk to me personally. She said the levels weren't high, but since they were going up, it was a positive sign. We also rescheduled the first ultrasound for the 19th, since on the 14th, I will only be 5w4d, and once I'm past 6 weeks we should see more (if I progress that far). She actually didn't sound very optimistic, which kind of sucks, but they told me flat out that Dorothy was going to miscarry early on and she didn't. So they're not always right. I'm just encouraged that my numbers doubled. She wants to do one more draw early next week... I think I'll go Monday first thing so I can get my results that afternoon. I will be 23 DPO on Monday and my HCG should be around 4400 or so by my estimation, if it doubles every 48 hours. Basically, she told me the only chance of this baby making it is staying on the progesterone. I'm sure glad I started taking it right away (even before she ok'd it). So we shall see...*
Yay! That IS good news! I am continuing to keep you in my thoughts :) Will they do an u/s next week?
Yay! :)
Stick bean stick!
That's wonderful news!!
Holding my breath for you.
I know this sounds morbid, but Becci, I am really glad you almost puked last night...
Just wanted to let you know that my HCG at 20 DPO was 880 and I had a successful pregnancy. Fingers crossed for your bean!
When I was pregnant with Ebee, they told me I was miscarrying. I was having spotting, cramping and lower back pain.
My HCG levels were steadily rising, but they didn't double in 48 hours or even in 5 days. Rising is good, though.
Obviously, Ebee turned out to be fine.
This is good news! I'm keeping you in my prayers! I'll be in Portland on the 23 of this month. you, hannah and I need to get together. I'll be there for 4 weeks.
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