Friday, March 09, 2007


Well, it appears that what Dorothy has is not a reaction to the shots, but a stomach virus. She has continued to have diarrhea... every hour during the day yesterday. She needs to be coaxed to even take a few ounces. Last night we had two blowouts that got all over her clothes and the crib sheets. Too bad we don't have any disposable waterproof pads, but I'm too afraid to take her out for fear that she'll have an accident while we're out. She was down 9 oz from Tuesday morning when we saw the Dr. this morning. Basically, all we can do is try to get her to take as much fluid as possible.


Lori said...

I hope she's feeling better soon!!! Make sure she's having wet diapers...if that stops, take her in immediately, they can get dehydrated REALLY quickly.


Tonya said...

aww poor Dorothy.. I hope she is feeling better real soon!

my4kids said...

Sorry little Dorothy is sick. I hope she get better soon. That and you don't get it also.

KMW said...

Hope she feels better soon!

purple_kangaroo said...

Poor baby. So the doctor doesn't think it could be a reaction to the rotavirus shot?

Becci said...

No, I don't even think she got the rotavirus shot...